> Wikipedia: "Discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all 
> involve some form of exclusion or rejection."^[ <#cite_note-0>

As a social scientist, I must point out that Wikipedia's definition as quoted 
is incomplete.  Discrimination is about differentiating among options based on 
some criteria.  When the criteria are invalid, discrimination becomes an anti 
social behavior.

Discrimination is not fundamentally evil.  It is a necessary part of survival.  
One does not "include" poisonous berries into one's diet simply because failing 
to do so is immoral in some way.  Nor does one include dangerous people into 
one's social circle (normally) as self interest in personal survival supercedes 
such flexibility.

Nobody forces QRP stations to be uncompetitive in a QRO environment.  That is 
nature, which also discriminates all the time, a phenomenon for which we should 
be grateful.

73 de Dave, NF2G

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