A couple of weeks ago I got around to loading the IC-7200 Windows USB 
driver so I could get rid of my sound card cables, etc. and get rig 
control features. My only comment about the USB interface is "why didn't 
I do this sooner!"

I use the Windows version of the FLDIGI program for various sound card 
modes. I have a computer in the shack that has XP Pro, 2 GHz single core 
CPU, and 1.5 GB of RAM. When FLDIGI is running with or without the 
RIGCAT connection to the IC-7200 my CPU usage is 70% to 80% with just 
the FLDIGI app running. Without FLDIGI CPU usage hovers around 0%.

No complaints about how things actually work, etc. I was just curious if 
others who may use FLDIGI see this same sort of CPU usage?


Tim, N9PUZ

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