Some redundant opinions here ... 

If you are a Windows user, HRD and DM780 are simply twelve kinds of wonderful.  
Too many features?  Don't use the ones you don't need.  Simon designed the 
interface is so that features you do not use are not "in your face". I had 
HRD/DM780 up and running in 30 minutes, as my first digital solution, using 
only the instructions that came with the program, plus a couple of tips I 
picked up from folks on and hamnet.  

The HRD program is big enough to "grow with you", should you decide to get into 
automating your rotators, support your logging / contesting needs, etc., etc.  
With the recent additions of RSID and a pskreporter interface, it just keeps 
getting better.  Unlike certain other unnamed programs, the program actually 
has an intuitive, even attractive interface.  (Yes, I am a closet 
Simon-worshiper ... we're not worthy ... we're not worthy ... hihi ).  Plus I 
LOVE the idea of setting up one PC to drive my radio, then using other PC's 
around the house to connect to the radio-connected HRD server over my local net 
... I can actually do digital QSO's from my laptop in the living room while 
watching a movie with the family.

If you are a Linux user, then fldigi is your friend.  For simple operations, 
you can't beat it.  You can use fldigi on windows, too!  I use fldigi regularly 
(several times a week), though I am about to migrate back to HRD again, as it 
is also an awesome tool for SWL and obscure band signal hunting (using the 
scanning features).  You can also try the various "Puppy" or other Live CD 
Linux distributions that boot from the CD-ROM as a means of trying out Linux 
and fldigi, though I prefer my Ubuntu or Fedora boxes for Linux operations.  
You can even set up a thumb drive to hold your OS and your ham applications.

The cool thing about so many choices is that you can actually try all or nearly 
all of them and see which ones work for you, once you have your hardware 
interfaces set up.

Good luck and enjoy the new modes!

- Doug H / KE7SEI   

--- In, "DANNY DOUGLAS" <n...@...> wrote:
> I agree, I have used most all those programs, and none is as simple or easy 
> to use as MixW.  It costs a bit, but is well worth it.
> Danny Douglas
> N7DC
> All 2 years or more (except Novice). Short stints at:  DA/PA/SU/HZ/7X/DU
> CR9/7Y/KH7/5A/GW/GM/F
> Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
> I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for those who do.  

< stuff deleted for bandwidth >

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