Steinar Aanesland wrote:

> It turned out to be a real hate network. It vomit up extremely bad
> things about the Obama administration. I am not going into the politics
> here, but is this type of network allowed in US on the HAM band ???

There is a widely held misconception about what is, and is not, allowed 
to be discussed on air.

There is always the good sense point of view that certain topics will be 
likely to stir up bad feeling and argument and are, therefore, best 
avoided in the interests of good manners and avoiding embarrassment.

However, legally it is usually the case that politics, religion and sex, 
for example, are not actually banned as subjects for discussion.

That said, from the reports of the group in question, you have to say 
that a) they are talking to other people who hold their views and are 
unlikely to welcome any constructively opposing views and b) once you 
know their callsigns you can avoid having anything to do with them, so 
it's going to be a self inclusive group that is going to show its 
prejudice to anyone that listens for a while.

A long time ago I stopped arguing with people with whom I was unlikely 
to persuade of my argument, or who I wasn't likely to ever be convinced 
of their point of view, as just being a waste of time on both sides.  I 
suspect that groups such as those mentioned fall into this general 
category and I would also include groups who hold similarly extreme 
points of view on the other side of the political argument as well...

A good case in point was a colleague of mine, who was espousing his own 
political point of view about how he thought people should vote in the 
UK the other day.  In conversation over a pint or two I gave him my 
point of view, which he didn't accept, but I guess we agreed to differ 
and left it at that.  Maybe that sort of conversation might be 'OK' on 
air, but I wouldn't want to have it because personally I don't think the 
Amateur Bands are the place to have conversations that you have in the 
Pub.  But that's just my point of view.  HI.

Dave (G0DJA)

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