John Becker, WØJAB wrote:
> Ok so what if it is...
> This is not the first time (nor will it be the last time) 
> that this has happen.
> My question is where do they all come from?
> Why would someone take the time to write the
> program if it can't be used?

Probably because, in other countries, it isn't illegal and we are quite 
happily using it.

Seeing the following on 80M at 1 Baud.

RX: <20:47 UTC> <0.5 Hz.> IW7DF= DL5SDG JN48KQ OOO <STOP>
RX: <20:51 UTC> <1.5 Hz.> CQ DL5SDG JN48KQ <STOP>
RX: <20:52 UTC> <2.4 Hz.> DL5SDG TF3HZ HP94AD OOO <STOP>
RX: <20:54 UTC> <2.0 Hz.> TF3HZ D
RX: <20:55 UTC> <-25.4 Hz.> CQ DF2JP JO31JG <STOP>
RX: <20:57 UTC> <2.4 Hz.> DL5SDG TF3HZ HP94AD OOO 73 <STOP>

Dave (G0DJA)

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