--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "sholtofish" <sho...@...> wrote:
> I tried some connects with Andy and Skip and can confirm the sound card 
> version of G-TOR works with a real G-TOR modem (my KAM-XL). Throughput got up 
> to 200 baud and of course no errors due to the ARQ.
> The GUI is basic on the sound card program and not particularly intuitive but 
> it seems that sound card G-TOR is possible on Windows.
> 73
> Sholto
That's really interesting.  I had no idea there was a sound card
modem for G-TOR, and of course G-TOR has seen very little use since
you always had to have a Kantronics TNC to use it.  Maybe somebody
can write up how to operate the sound card version.

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