--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "John" <ke5h...@...> wrote:
> Thanks Skip,
> Unfortunately, this really does not get to the crux of my question(s). I 
> understand how an SSB transmitter works, but that is not really what I am 
> after.
> What I am driving at is if like this. If I use DM780 to run some version of 
> digital mode via an SSB transceiver, it uses a tone or series of tone 
> modulation/shifting to create the output of the transmitter, and not one 
> single mode is called "spread spectrum" output, but is called FSK or PSK, 
> etc. Now, we get into the aforementioned discussion regarding ROS, and 
> suddenly, still via the microphone input of the same transmitter, those 
> shifted frequencies are now called "spread spectrum" instead. I am having a 
> great deal of difficulty understanding, other than the author happened to 
> call his scheme "spread spectrum" in his technical documentation.

That's a good question.  If we run RTTY with 850 Hz shift like we
did in the old days, has that turned into spread spectrum?

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