Thank you for identifying the station for me:
2010/05/06   08:08  [ON0FS]   10145.5  PACTOR II/III   Public  JO10ST 
JO10ST is the right distance for an S7 signal, and he should be able to hear me 
with the same strength.

Pactor II/III is illegal in Belgium on 10.145 

I will contact the OP.


Rein PA0R

>For what it's worth....
>As a WINLINK user I did some checking and could *only* find
>2 (two) station within the winlink network using anything
>close to 10,147. that would be a KL7 and ON0 station using 
>a center freq of 10,147.700. and it has been days since either 
>has been  (more like weeks)   since either has been seen.
>If it was Pactor it had to be a keyboard to keyboard QSO.
>I'm in *no way* saying it was not Pactor but I'am saying likelihood
>of it being a winlink stations are very low.
>John, W0JAB
>Chat, Skeds, and "spots" all in one (resize to suit)Yahoo! Groups Links

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