On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 06:20:06 +0100
Philippe Bergheaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When a clone is empty, do_sum() creates buggy index and sum files with 
> gnu xargs,
> because 'xargs -0 openssl sha1' forks openssl with an empty argument list.
> Adding the gnu xargs flag -r (--no-run-if-empty) suppresses the problem.

Unfortunately, this fix is not portable.  The -r option is not
supported by BSD nor POSIX xargs flavor.  I already implemented a
portable correction of that problem in dim-0-mv38, by ignoring
empty files in the post-processing of the xargs command, in the
function index_codepath(), called by do_sum().  Can you confirm that
it work for you with dim-0-mv38 or later?



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