I'm pleased to announce the release of dim-0.4.6.

Notable new features:
    - The automatic merge infrastructure is now in production,
       whith 'merge', 'merged' and 'unmerge' new commands.
    - Advanced algorithms in ancestor graph management ensure
      that no merge operation has to be performed more than once
      when merging frequently.
    - The dag command has been extended to display merges
    - A sample custom extension module is provided
    - Many bugfixes.

Detailed changes between dim-0.4.5 and dim-0.4.6:

    - The merge command has been added and is working (I hope).
      Tests are most welcome before next public release.
    - The dag command now display merges (red dotted edges).
    - The dag command optional argument is the version used to root
      the graph (default 0), instead of item, which can still be
      specified with -i flag.
    - The dag command with 2 arguments now print the graph of versions
      between the first and the second.
    - Better printing of command short usage.
    - dim cmd -h now print detailed usage, fallback to short.
    - The long description text of command is now handled by cmd.
      The command detailed help, and manpage section is now generated
      from this text. All commands have been converted (some are
      not detailed yet).
    - Fix a bug where 'dim diff -S' was failing.
    - Mention that 'zsh -y' is needed if using ZSHell as interpreter.
    - Fix a bug where error was not detected when invoking an
      unknown command.
    - Add a sample module to generate diffstat as a separate
      extension, to demonstrate flexibility of dim.
    - Add a "bugs and limitations" section in manpage.
    - Fix a bug in die, where the long help was printed instead of
      short one.
    - Fix a bug in dag where absence of item was not detected.
    - Fix a bug in dag where some descendants2 were missed.
    - Removed unused codepath function.
    - Better handling of DIMRC.
    - Rename index_codepath in fix_sha1 for now. May change again later.
    - Fix a bug in merge which was not handling spaces in filenames.
    - Rewrite the filter for diff3 false conflicts in awk instead of
      unportable sed.
    - Fix a bug in common ancestor computation.
    - Fix a bug in lnd to support white spaces in filenames.
    - Reorganize some option flags
    - Commands with no usage and short description can be hidden from
    - Do not constrain graph in dag command
    - An item with no version means item-0 if not called from a clone
    - Fix ancestor2 at export, to expose only exported versions
    - Export and chanc keep trac of ancestor2
    - Add a command merged, to declare a manual merge
    - Add a command unmerge, to undo the merge operation
    - Fix a infinite loop in isanc2()
    - Correct alogrithm to compute common ancestor in a complex graph,
      where change of orientation in search is necessary.
    - The command 'diff -c' now reports unresolved conflicts.
    - Fix bugs in unexport command
    - Update man page
    - Release dim-0.4.5-mv7 as dim-0.4.6

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