this is my first post in the list!

OK, the thing goes...
I compiled gnuradio from source using methods/scripts described in gnuradio wiki on OSX 10.4.11 Intel.

The problem I have is with audio input. Output is working fine (dial_tone.py is wowking), but when I try to use audio input, I get:

  Error# -10863 ('????')

I enabled debugging, compiled again and there's the debug info I got besides the error:

$ python /usr/local/share/gnuradio/examples/audio/audio_fft.py -r 96000
/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_core.py: 14450: UserWarning: wxPython/wxWidgets release number mismatch
  warnings.warn("wxPython/wxWidgets release number mismatch")
source(): max # samples = 96000

---- Device Stream Format ----
  Sample Rate        : 96000
  Format ID          : mcpl
  Format Flags       : 9
  Bytes per Packet   : 8
  Frames per Packet  : 1
  Bytes per Frame    : 8
  Channels per Frame : 2
  Bits per Channel   : 32

---- Client Stream Format ----
  Sample Rate        : 44100
  Format ID          : mcpl)
  Format Flags       : 29
  Bytes per Packet   : 4
  Frames per Packet  : 1
  Bytes per Frame    : 4
  Channels per Frame : 2
  Bits per Channel   : 32
audio_osx_source Parameters:
  Device Sample Rate is 96000
  User Sample Rate is 96000
  Max Sample Count is 96000
  # Device Channels is 2
  # Max Channels is 2
  Device Buffer Size is Frames = 1024
  Lead Size is Frames = 0
  Trail Size is Frames = 0
  Input Buffer Size is Frames = 1028
  Output Buffer Size is Frames = 1024
chk_topo: Actual # user output channels = 1
work1: SC =    0, #OI = 8191, #Chan = 1
cb0: in#F = 1024, inBN = 1, SC =    0

Looks like a bug in audio_osx_source.cc? Or have I compiled against some wrong/old/too new librarys?


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