I found another one minor issue for which i have open a bug report (#13893) but I wonder what is the best thing to do for those kind of typo bugs : open a bug or submit a patch ?

Oh and this time I have checked the CVS to be sure. And thanks to CaS the previous one has just been corrected.

Le 23 juil. 05, à 13:47, Benoit Astruc a écrit :


I just tried to compil GNUstep Base 1.11.0, freshly download from GNUstep http) and I found that there is an error GSXML.m at line 5 142 :

request = [tequest initWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: connectionURL]];

should be

request = [request initWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: connectionURL]];

I suppose.

Maybe it's corrected in CVS but it seems quite bad to have such error in the last stable version.

Benoit Astruc

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