On 19 Jun 2009, at 16:03, Samantha Rahn wrote:

I have been having a variety of trouble with DO on Windows when
communicating across hosts.

I suspect that inter-host DO on windows might currently be broken ... it's an awful long time since I tried it, and if nobody is actively using it, it could have bit-rotted at some point. You might try a simple test with an old release, just to check if this is the case. It was certainly fine a few years ago before we moved to using host- local connections by default.

In order to diagnose the problem, I have
simplified my code to avoid the name server and simply use DO with
sockets (NSSocketPort).

Using socket ports directly is trickier than using NSConnection, so perhaps not a great idea.

I'm away this weekend, so I can't look at this stuff for a while. If you find this is actually a bug in base, please file a report at https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=gnustep

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