Hey guys,

I hadn't had time to sit and go over some of the issues that had been
bothering me in Gorm over the last year.   This weekend I resolved to find
one of the bugs that had been irking me for a while...

Gorm has been able to load XIB files for a while now.  I recently added the
ability for Gorm to SAVE XIB files from the application.  One thing that
bugged me though (no pun intended) is that when you load a XIB and save it
as a gorm file the resulting gorm file would not load successfully.

I realized that the issue was not in the saving of the gorm but in the
loading of the XIB.  As it turns out the loader was incorrectly using
GSNibItem (a stand-in object used in gorm files) as a proxy for
NSCustomObject.   This is ENTIRELY incorrect and, it seems as though I had
started to correct the issue way back but got distracted by work and never
finished it.  (story of my life)

So, once I found that issue I set about correcting the problem so that it
is now possible for Gorm to load a XIB and save it to a Gorm file and
vice-versa.  I have tested this with Xcode and the resulting XIB files work
perfectly.  The .gorm files work as well.  It wasn't a simple fix, but it
was VERY cathartic to finish this and that's why I wanted to share it with
you guys.

I am privileged to be a part of this community and I wanted to say how much
I appreciate every single one of you.  You are all excellent developers and
great people.

Yours very sincerely,
Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
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