
(1) Komponente: Database, Writer, Spreadsheet, PDF Export
(2) Betriebssystem: Linux 64, CentOS7
(3) Meine LibreOffice-Version: and 6.1.5
(4) Letzte Version ohne Fehler (optional): 5.3.7
(5) Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche: deutsch
(6) Fehler-Kurzbeschreibung: Mail Merge crashes Libreoffice with
"unexpected error"
(7) Schritte, wie das Problem reproduziert werden kann: create a
spreadsheet with mail merge fields, create a writer document using the
spreadsheet as database, print the writer document into a series of
stored individual PDF files named after one of the spreadsheet columns,
it crashes when creating the first output file  (Don't know if all these
details are necessary. But that's my workflow.)
(8) Beobachtetes Verhalten: All windows of Libreoffice close, an error
message window pops-up. The document is recoverable after libreoffice
restart. But problem persists.
(9) Erwartetes Verhalten: creation of a series of PDF documents
containing the mail merged output
(10) URL-Adresse/n für Anhang/Anhänge (optional):
(11) Dateiinhalt/e (optional):
(12) Ergänzungen (optional):
(13) E-Mail-Adresse für Rückfragen: karl.beh...@ipp.mpg.de

Dr. Karl Behler 
CODAC & IT services ASDEX Upgrade
phon +49 89 3299-1351 fax 3299-961351

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