This is border line with "marketing", but it is more of a general
concept so I'll write it here instead of on the marketing mailing list
so it can be discussed by more people.

One of the strengths of LibO is (will be... as it was/is for OOo) its
"internationalization". But this strength comes not only from
localization, it also comes from one powerful feature: it is the only
"big player" on office suites that offers full Graphite smart font
support (see for details).
Graphite is a must for minority languages as it offers unique features
not available on opentype fonts. For example, there are languages in
which some glyphs needs to be replaced with others only when they are
at the end of the word, or where ligatures are not an aesthetic "nice
to have" but a grammatical "must to do". Graphite solves these (and
other) issues without effort, and OOo support graphite since 3.2.
I think LibO must show this point in a way that speakers of those
minority languages see at first glance that this software is for them.
One possibility is to show backgrounds on the website with text on
those languages that clearly show the graphite abilities... and of
course to deliver LibO with at least some of these graphite fonts,
like Doulos/Charis Sil or Linux Libertine G/Biolinum G

This will serve this project, but will also promote the amazing
Graphite font technology.

Another step could be to use Graphite fonts for LibreOffice logo
rendering. See this quick example (specially the third line)

It looks modern, balanced... and have a proper ffi ligature! (No need
to say the image was done on LibO beta... ;) )

What do you people think?

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