On 11/02/2010 08:28 AM, T. J. Brumfield wrote:
> There were several old, often commented on, and often requested bug fixes
> and features that didn't receive much attention or weren't resolved with OOo
> over the years.
> For those who may not be aware of the reasons for the shift/fork, or for
> those who don't care about politics with software, resolving some of these
> old bugs might be a reason for users to switch over to LibreOffice.
> For instance, the bug/feature request with the most votes for OOo is a SVG
> import filter. go-oo implemented that feature. I assume LibreOffice will
> include that patch.
> Here is an eight year old bug/feature request with over 300 votes.
> http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3959

Here is one high on my list:
[Protect Document but allow input field entry - MS Word to OOo]
they duped it to:
[Allow for in-place editing of input field (turn off pop-up)]
but I highly recommend reading 79720 before wandering off to 33737 as
79720 is not a duplicate of 33737 but they are closely related. Also
note the 'go-oo' comments...

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