On 11/19/2010 7:16 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
Hi Charles, *

Charles Marcus schrieb:
I'd really like to see an email support list dedicated solely to
questions in the nature of "I know how to do this in
Excel/Word/Powerpoint, but how do I do it on Calc/Writer/Impress?"...

I'd rather like to see this in a FAQ - perhaps in a dedicated area or tagged with 
"MSO relation".

Linking to other support means (Forum, mailing list etc) should be a "must" for the FAQ - and new entries should be created easily (perhaps with different stages "proposal" / "approved").

Best regards


Sounds good -- and all the topics from "I know how to do this" could eventually be used in developing a guide focused on *why* you would use a function, or set of related ones, rather than simply how each function operates. That would also help people coming from other suites or programs. They'd be nice as index entries in Help, etc., also. Most of the material is already documented in one or more places, of course, it's just that we need to get people to it. Another consequence would be a convenient place for translating terminology; what MS calls "x" is called "y" in LibO.

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