I (think I) have fixed the height issues*. The containers now remain 
fully flexible, even after an animation. That means you can resize the 
window and/or the font size without ever overflowing content (except you 
do that in the middle of an animation...).

Would be very nice, if you could verify that:

As a side-effect that also fixes printing in IE (I mentioned that).

* Apart from the autoheight effect. That creates some headache for me...

-- Klaus

Justin Carter schrieb:
> On 9/12/06, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I need to know: which version of jQuery do you use? Do you simply go to
>> demo page? If so, please make sure that you do not load from cache...
> Sorry I should have said that I am just viewing your demo page. I had
> never viewed that page before in IE7 Beta 3 nor Firefox,
> however I may have viewed it before in Opera 9.01 BUT I have just
> cleared my cache and it is still happening. So it's definitely not a
> caching issue at my end :)
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