Klaus Hartl schrieb:
> I hope, this will go into the next Thickbox version. Have fun!
I wonder if it would be a good idea to make Thickbox an "official" 
plugin, hosting the development on jQuery.com (the demo is there 
already). It seems like Cody is overwhelmed with feedback and questions: 
"ThickBox has received more attention than I had initially expected - so 
much so that I am a little overwhelmed with the notoriety and somewhat 
dumbfounded by all the individuals using it. Truthfully, I developed the 
solution as a proof of concept and personal endeavor to showcase the 
jQuery <http://www.jquery.com> library."
By hosting it on jQuery.com, the jQuery community could work together to 
improve this greate piece of software and to answer all those questions 
about it.
There are now two derivates on the plugin list and there may be more. I 
have no idea which one of those I should use: Use thickbox itself? Use 
tweenbox, that may be improved at one thing but may lack another, that 
is now fixed is the newest thickbox version? Or use Slightly Thickerbox, 
which claims to support Interface, but uses the same auto-deploy feature 
($(document).ready(TB_init);) that I don't like at all.
And then I read your mail with really nice improvments to an essential 
part of Thickbox.
Therefore my request to commit Thickbox to the jQuery subversion, to 
port back improvements from derivates, to improve whatever is possible 
(like the stuff Klaus did) and then to rule them (all those XXXbox 
derivates) all! In other words, make it a top level project, like they 
use to say at the Eclipse foundation :-)

-- Jörn

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