On Sep 21, 2006, at 2:30 PM, Rey Bango wrote:

> Thanks for the followup. I really appreciate you trying to help me  
> bud.
> Its one of the best part of Jquery; the community support.

No problem at all. I'm just a beginner at this stuff, so it's really  
a thrill to be able to help somebody out.

> The iframe insertion code you wrote works like a charm and its nice  
> and
> clean. I think I'm going to use it instead. :o)
Cool! Glad to hear it.

> This though:
> #JT {
>        overflow: hidden;
>      }
> caused the arrow image to disappear. Not sure why.

Oh yes. That makes sense, because the left arrow is getting a  
negative margin inside the #JT div, but since it's technically  
outside the box, hiding the overflow cuts it off.

So, I copied your files onto my test server again and changed the  
code a bit more to get it to work -- just for the left arrow so far  
-- I really need to get back to my real work. ;-) I also started with  
the right arrow, and will try to finish tonight after the kids go to  
bed. Will let you know when it's done.

For now, though, check it out again at http://test.learningjquery.com/ 



Karl Swedberg

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