While I'm I can't answer your problem, I can say that load works fine for me
in IE6, and for it not to work would have been noticed much sooner as it's
quite a widely used part of jQuery.

The test suite also confirms that it's working as well.

Ok.... So... name...  It's used further up the script, but it's not declared
until further down at the bottom.

Also, I'm unsure why you want to use document.writeln as I find jQuery's
methods much more compact and neat.

Donny Kurnia wrote:
> I need help to make the following code works in IE :
>         document.writeln("<select name=\""+name+"\"
> id=\""+name+"\""+((multiple!=null)?" "+multiple:"")+">");
>           var tablename = "some_table";
>           $("#"+name).load("table_query.php", {table: tablename});
>         document.writeln("<\/select>");
> Script table_query.php return <option> elements. This code work well
> in Firefox, but in IE, the select had no option.
> I tried to change table_query.php result to xml, and use following code :
>         document.writeln("<select name=\""+name+"\"
> id=\""+name+"\""+((multiple!=null)?" "+multiple:"")+">");
>           var tablename = "some_table";
>           var myRandom = parseInt(Math.random()*99999999);
>           $.get("table_query.php", {table: tablename, rand: myRandom},
> function (r, type) {
>             //alert (xml);
>             //remove previous element
>             $("#"+name).empty();
>             var options = r.getElementsByTagName("option");
>             var names = r.getElementsByTagName("name");
>             var name = names[0].getAttribute("value");
>             for (var i=0; i<options.length; i++) {
>               var value = options[i].getAttribute("value");
>               var label = options[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
>               var newOptions = new Option(label, value);
>               $("#"+name).append(newOptions);
>             }
>           });
>         document.writeln("<\/select>");
> works with Ff, but still don't work with IE. D*** IE :(
> --
> Donny Kurnia
> http://hantulab.multiply.com/
> http://hantulab.blogspot.com/
> -------------------------------------------
> At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place. But
> believe us when we say there is much more good in it than bad. And
> what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events, may in fact, be
> the first steps of a journey.
> -- A Series of Unfortunate Events
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