> Thanks for catching that!  I totally missed that the 'get's weren't
> working and that the 'get' was not augmenting the url.  I'll have to
> improve my unit tests!
> I'll be committing the form plugin to svn within the next day or two.


The form plugin has been updated in svn.  It now includes the changes
discussed earlier on this thread along with the 'GET' bug fix that
Klaus pointed out.

The big change to be aware of is that the "serialize" method now
returns a '&' delimited string suitable for posting/getting.  The
"formToArray" method returns an array of objects which represent the
form data (full documentation inline).

Also worth noting is that the "target" argument to "ajaxSubmit" and
"ajaxForm" can now be a jQuery selector string, a jQuery object, or a
DOM element.

As always, sample usage can be found at:


Thanks to everyone for all the good discussion and good ideas.


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