Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
> Hi jQueryians,
> as discussed before, the jQuery API contains quite a lot of methods. The 
> event shortcuts or one thing, another is single methods with optional 
> parameters. Let's take slideDown() as an example. It has two paremters, speed 
> and callback. There is one method documented with only speed as a paremter, 
> and one with both.
> While it would be easy to merge the docs for these two, eg. add the example 
> and slightly modify the text, there should be a useful mechanism to mark 
> parameters as optional.
> Some ideas:
> @param Object speed (optional) A string repres..
> @param [Object speed] A string repres..
> @param Object (speed) A string repres..
> The docs parser could parse this format, add an attribute to the json/xml 
> file and the API stylesheets could then format the docs.
> This should be only applied where applicable, like slideUp() etc., not to $().
> There are other cases where a single methods accepts different types of a 
> argument, like add() accepts a String, a Element or an Array of Elements. It 
> actually does always the same, no matter what the argument is, only the 
> actually executed code is somewhat different, but nothing a user has to worry 
> about.
> The good thing: Possible resulting changes affect only the documentation, no 
> code at all!
> Your opinions please!

Hi Jörn,

I found another little glitch with "&" characters in inline 
documentation. Unless you do not escape it as "&" the XML for the 
generated docs is ill-formed. But that means, that the inline 
documentatin is misleading, for example for the form plugin 
formSerialize method:

"This method will return a string in the format: 

which should apparently read:

"This method will return a string in the format: name1=value1&name2=value2"

-- Klaus

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