On 11/1/06, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've got a span tag that contains the label for a section of my screen.
> When the user clicks a checkbox, I'd like that text to fadeOut, change to
> some different text, and then fadeIn again. Part of my problem is that the
> text gets changed prior to the fade.

You need to use a callback in the fadeOut. Try something like this (untested).

function Foo(IsChecked){
  if (IsChecked){
    $('#MySpanLabel').fadeOut('normal', function() {
        $(this).empty().append('The Changed Text').fadeIn('normal');

> The second part of my problem is that
> once I apply the fade effect to the tag the text inside the tag is messed
> up. The font isn't right. In fact, it doesn't look like any font at all.
> It's just thicker and clunkier lookin', almost like it's pixelated.

This is an issue with IE and the alpha filter. The workaround is to
insure that the container has a background color.

Brandon Aaron

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