Have you tried using...


That's a more "jQuery way" of doing that in my opinion.  That should also allow jQuery to handle more of the cross-browser issues than passing it a node list (or whatever the form.elements object is).

On 10/31/06, Pascal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to do some jQuery manipulations on a form. A reference to
the form is in the variable 'theForm'. the following generates an
error in Safari:

alert( $(theForm.elements) );

the error generated is:

Value undefined (result of _expression_ f.apply) is not object.
http://mydomain.com/lib/js/jquery/jquery.js  Line 3578

I'm using revision 443 of jQuery.

Anyone have an idea what might be causing this? I have a feeling it
might be related to an earlier discussion about passing/manipulating
nodelists in Safari. If so, was there a resolution to that problem
that might apply here?

Thanks in advance,


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