
I think you would need to test for performance differences unless John 
or one of the other guys with more clue have some insight.

This works by creating a jquery collection of all td objects and using 
each to iterate through them, then uses the if to filter them.

$('td').each(function() {
      if (this.status == 'enabled')
          $(this).click(function() {
              // do something

Where as:

$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'enabled']").click()

uses the xpath syntax to create a collection of just those td's that 
have the attribute state='enabled' set on them, then applies the click() 
method to each of them.

The first is probably a little more readable if you are new to jquery 
and requires you to write more code. The later is probably more 
jQuery-ish and I guessing it is a little faster, but I have not done any 
testing and really have no facts to support the guess.


Christopher Jordan wrote:
>   Thanks Klaus!
> How does this syntax differ from other suggested syntax:
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'enabled']").click()
> I'm curiout which is preferred, or faster. They both look clean enough to me.
> Chris
> Klaus Hartl wrote:
>> Christopher Jordan schrieb:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I have a table that represents a calendar. The user will be able to 
>>> select multiple dates from the calendar, but cannot select dates in the 
>>> past. I've written this code before using all JavaScript and what I did 
>>> was add several additional pieces of data to the td tag other than ID or 
>>> CLASS. I added "state", "index", "status" and a few others. I accessed 
>>> these through f.calendarid.state... that kind of thing.
>>> So I'm wanting to apply an event (probably several: click, mouseover, 
>>> mouseout) to only those td tags that have their state  set to "enabled". 
>>> Not to *all* tds and not even to all tds with a certain class. ID alone 
>>> won't work. Is there a way to do this using jQuery? Something like: 
>>> $("td" status).click()... or whatever.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>> Hi Christopher, this could work:
>> $('td').each(function() {
>>      if (this.status == 'enabled')
>>          $(this).click(function() {
>>              // do something
>>          });
>> });
>> -- Klaus
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