Klaus Hartl wrote:
> I think, the correct way to select namespaced elements in CSS is this: 
> table[my|data-url]
> So in jQuery I guess it would be:
> $('table[my|@data-url]')
> There is another recent thread discussing support for namespaces...
I understand the CSS selector and have read the other thread but a true namespace selection based on xpath syntax doesn't work.  As for writing a plug-in, I believe the issue could be corrected with a change to a regular _expression_.  But, reg exps are, by their nature, difficult for me to tinker with, and I can't figure out which regular _expression_ is used for node and attribute filtering.
I asked about this back in September and am asking again because I believe better xpath support would improve jQuery's handling of xml docs as well as xhtml pages.
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