Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Currently val() is only a shortcut, but doesn't encapsulate anything useful. 
> It would be nice to have it handling some more stuff.
> I wouldn't like to have it in an external plugin, that makes it difficult to 
> access or find it when you actually need that functionality.
> Some thoughts about the implementation:
> - single select: Nothing to worry about, right?
> - multiple select: Get it's option:selected children and put their values 
> into an array, empty array when nothing is selected
> - radio: Find the input:radio siblings with the same name and get the value 
> from the one that is checked, ??? when nothing is selected
> - checkbox: combination of radio and select: Find input:checkbox siblings 
> that are checked and put their values into an array, empty array when nothing 
> is checked
> - everything else: stick to the simple value

As a start, heres what I use:
(It doesn't cover radio buttons as described above
- as I never needed it)

It returns an array of values if the jquery has several elements,
it maybe more useful to return an object (id/name => value) instead.

$.fn.getValue = function() {
     var o = [];
     this.each(function() {
         switch (this.type) {
             case 'checkbox':
             case 'radio':
                 v = this.checked;
             case 'select-one':
                 v = this.selectedIndex >= 0
                     ? (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value
                         || this.options[this.selectedIndex].text)
                     : null;
             case 'select-multiple':
                 v = [];
                 for (var i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++) {
                     if (this.options[i].selected)
                         v.push(this.options[i].value || 
             case 'button':
             case 'reset':
             case 'submit':
                 v = this.value;
     return o.length > 1 ? o : o[0];

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