
GetjQuery.org looks great, but it is missing the most important thing!
It needs a prominent [GetjQuery] or [Download] link to get jQuery. The 
rest only matters after I can Get It :)

Thanks for your efforts. Great start!


digital spaghetti wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I'm pretty happy with the setup over at http://getjquery.org now - I
> have groups up and running (so working groups can be created), buddy
> lists for the social element and a few other cool things so go check
> it out.  Apologies for the length of this email also, but I'm typing
> this as I travel and just commiting my thoughts to email.
> Below are some on my thoughts on what to do next, you can contribute
> on-list, or feel free to start editing the wiki
> (http://getjquery.org/wiki)
> Now that this initial stage is running, I want to begin work on other
> parts.  The first thing is the design.  I'm torn between blog & news
> style on the front page so it's more dynamic, or go with a "static"
> front page more like http://getfirebug.org that leads off in to other
> areas.
> The site will (hopefully) eventually be rather large with lots of user
> generated content, so I'm wondering if a "best of both worlds" could
> be done with this - say top half of the page "static" to content, and
> the bottom half dynamic content like latest news, latest blogs, latest
> tutorials, etc.  The beauty of drupal is that each part of the site
> can easily have different layouts and styles that correspond to the
> data being presented.
> The next part is moderation and localisation.  The primary language of
> the site will be english, but certainly I'd like to present it in
> other languages.  Already the first french blog post has been made and
> the author is on board for helping make some translations.  What are
> the other main languages that should be focused on (german, chinese,
> japanese, scandanavian and eastern european langauges)?
> Regarding moderation, I would be looking for people to help moderate
> incoming content.  Most content types are available to registered
> users, such as stories, blogs, Book pages, groups, podcasts, etc.
> Blogs are the only content type that do not go in to a moderation
> queue (possibly book pages too, I'll have to double check). For all
> other types, I'd like to have some respected people on board who can
> moderate the content, and decide if something needs to be rejected
> (spam, buggy code, self-gratifying posts), accepted (most posts) or
> promoted (something so good, everyone and their dog needs to know
> about this via the front page).
> Finally for roles, there are developers - these are the people who
> will actually help build the site - they will be able to access the
> server to install and modify things, it's a bit too much for little
> ol' me to do all of it.
> If you want to help, then contact me and let me know.  Make sure you
> sign up to the site and wiki.  I'll soon be setting up a closed
> mailing list for core people who want to help so there is less clutter
> in this one.
> Regards,
> Tane
> Sent from my Blackberry, forgive the grammar and spelling.
> _______________________________________________
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

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