You guys have fast machines!

I get 47-63 on $(.dialog) with the 7th being 172 ms.

I guessing, but I think the 7th click is also triggering some garbage 

Running FF 2.0 on WinNT.


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> I ran your test in ff 2, very similar numbers, including the 7 click 
> silliness !! (your machine is a little faster than mine). But in Safari, 
> all the queries were approximately the same! and No "every 7 click 
> problem"!
> On 12/17/06, *Karl Swedberg* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Ok, so I put together a little test page at
>     <>
>     I run the following queries, using .click() and checking the
>     difference between the time they start and the time they end (on FF2
>     Mac):
>     $(.dialog)
>     $(div.dialog)
>     $(div).filter('.dialog')
>     There are 49 DIVs with class="dialog" on the page.
>     $(.dialog) averages ~30 milliseconds
>     $(div.dialog) and $(div).filter('.dialog') usually clock in around
>     19-20 milliseconds
>     The first one to be clicked typically takes about 10ms longer than
>     subsequent clicks on it.
>     Here is the really weird part: 
>     On every 7th click, the query will take 70 - 85 milliseconds, no
>     matter which one is clicked or what the order is.
>     I figure there must be something really stupid about the way I'm
>     doing this.  All the code is in the <head>, so feel free to take a
>     look, and if it's really dumb, post to the list and let everyone
>     know to disregard these numbers. If it's not so dumb and someone
>     wants to test it on another system/browser, I'd be interested to
>     hear what your results are. 
>     --Karl
>     _________________
>     Karl Swedberg
> <>
> <>
>     On Dec 17, 2006, at 8:48 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>     I seem to remember seeing that post also and having done a lot of 
>>     testing in other jobs it is easy to make tests the are not 
>>     representative, misleading, or distort reality, etc. However this
>>     is not 
>>     an excuse for not developing tests, it should be just a caution
>>     that you 
>>     need to be aware of what you are measuring.
>>     Having some standard tests that compare different searches using some 
>>     standard, that ever that might be, complexity pages, may not reflect 
>>     real-life queries, but it would give us some standards to compare 
>>     against from version to version and if we find cases that are not
>>     well 
>>     represented then we can add more cases.
>>     My $.02,
>>        -Steve
>>     Karl Swedberg wrote:
>>>     I'd like to see some real benchmarks on this, too. Is it possible
>>>     to rig  
>>>     up the test suite to do something like that? 
>>>     On the other hand, won't the speeds (and the respective
>>>     difference in  
>>>     speeds) depend to some extent on the complexity of the page?
>>>     I seem to recall having read a pretty convincing argument by
>>>     someone on  
>>>     this list (Michael Geary maybe?) about the unreliability of speed 
>>>     benchmarks, but I could be confusing it with some other loosely
>>>     related  
>>>     matter.
>>>     --Karl
>>>     _________________
>>>     Karl Swedberg
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>>     On Dec 17, 2006, at 6:51 PM, Sam Collett wrote:
>>>>     Has anyone done any benchmarks to compare the speeds of using
>>>>     different expressions? Like how much faster $(" a.myclass") is than
>>>>     $(".myclass") and the difference, if any, between
>>>>     $("a").filter(".myclass") and $("a.myclass") etc.
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> Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
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