
Yes an example of what you are trying to do would be great.

I have done a lot with my family genealogy and I currently display it 
using php to layout the pages. One of my future projects is to convert 
the genealogy application to use jQuery and ajax to build a web2 version 
of it.



Oliver Boermans wrote:
> I'll attempt to answer Jake's question because I know the 'why' is
> often more useful than the 'how'.
> I am laying out an ordered list as a family tree of sorts. This
> involves setting the widths on the elements based on their
> descendants. My current concept for the method requires me to break
> the chain to repeat it over the whole multi-leveled list
> (my family tree is rather large!).
> Repeat below until every ol with no parent ol has 'kids' (or width) set
> LI
> ------------------------------
> find every li without 'kids' set in which every immediate child ol has
> 'kids' set
> or
> does not have an immediate child ol
> compare value of 'kids' of each of its immediate child ol/s
> set 'kids' on the parent li to the largest value
> or if there is no immediate child ol set 'kids' to 1
> set width of the li to 'kids' multiplied by variable
> OL
> ------------------------------
> find every ol (without 'kids' set) inside which every immediate child
> li has 'kids' set
> set 'kids' on the ol to the sum of every of its immediate child li 'kids' 
> values
> set width of the ol to kids multiplied by variable
> ------------------------------
> When it comes to writing jQuery selectors to match this logic - I
> expect it may be more practical to test for the widths I'm setting
> rather than a custom property like 'kids''?
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'width']").parent().not("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'width']")
> I resorted to the property as it can be a number rather than a width
> value from which I would need to extract a number. e.g. '30em'
> Seems I've still got a long way to go to get this working! All
> pointers are welcome!
> Cheers
> Ollie 'out of his depth' Boermans
> On 31/12/06, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> easy peasy and perfectly logical.... but what is Oliver's doing? is
>> the attribute assigned to the object and then lost when the current
>> $() is done? it would work from one line to the next, right?
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