Hello again,

I have written a simple menu in the most basic way i could: just an unordered
list, with only the active tab getting a class="active".

I am adding the correct styles to the first and last tabs with the :first and
:last selector. Works just fine.

The last thing i need is to be able to identify the tab that comes before the
active tab, if any. I have tried the axis selector for the preceding sibling
shown in the doc : $("//div ~ form")

However, that syntax is a bit foreign to me, and it unsurprisingly did not work
when i adpated it like this :

        $("//ul#menu li ~ .actif").addClass("preactif");

(To be more precise, i want to select the "ul#menu li" that comes right before
the "ul#menu li.actif").
I have tried various combinations, but to no avail.

Help most welcome as always. Thanks!

  Stéphane Nahmani / sholby

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