On 04/02/07, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to embed flowplayer; http://flowplayer.sourceforge.net/
> For some reason I cannot access an embedded SWFObject within a $().ready
> function. FF errors out with invalid access to a NPObject, or that the
> setConf method is not found? I am not sure what this means.. but I do
> know that if I switch from $().ready to window.onload, the problem goes
> away.
> Here's one of my examples;
> <div id="fpholder">
>     ...get flash text
> </div>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> var fo = new SWFObject("FlowPlayer.swf", "FlowPlayer", "500", "560",
> "7", "#ffffff", true);
> fo.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
> fo.addParam("flashVars", "config={configInject: true}");
> fo.write("fpholder");
> function init() {
>    var fpConf = {
>        videoHeight: 320,
>        hideControls: false };
>        var fp=$("#FlowPlayer")[0];
>     fp.setConfig(fpConf);
> }
> // $().ready(function(){ init(); });  <-- DOES NOT WORK
> // window.onload = init; <-- WORKS
> </script>
> I have tried many, many combinations.. but can't seem to figure out what
> is causing this issue. Perhaps someone with deeper knowledge of the
> .ready() function, or SWFObject experience will have an idea?
> Thanks!
> ~ Brice

Did you try using load instead of ready?

$().load(function(){ init(); });

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