You could try something like this (untested):

var photo = $('.Photo');
.prev().find('td.content').append( photo );

Karl Rudd

On 2/13/07, Ryan Doom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys, does Jquery not get along with complex HTML table wrapping or
> handling?
> I have been playing with Jquery for about a week now and have had a lot of
> success with it, however I'm trying to put a border around a photo.
> This is my HTML
> <img class="Photo" src="photodrop/woman.jpg"/>
> Here is my Ready data
>         $(".Photo").before("<table border='0' cellpadding='0'
> cellspacing='0' width='1'><tr><td><img src='photodrop/topLeft.jpg'></td><td
> background='photodrop/topBG.jpg' align='right'><img
> src='photodrop/topMiddle.jpg'></td><td><img
> src='photodrop/topRight.jpg'></td></tr><tr><td
> background='photodrop/leftBG.jpg' valign='top'><img
> src='photodrop/leftMiddle.jpg'></td><td>").after("</td><td valign='bottom'
> background='photodrop/rightBG.jpg'><img
> src='photodrop/rightMiddle.jpg'></td></tr><tr><td><img
> src='photodrop/botLeft.jpg'></td><td background='photodrop/botBG.jpg'
> align='left'><img src='photodrop/botMiddle.jpg'></td><td><img
> src='photodrop/botRight.jpg'></td></tr></table>");
> The above inserts the border etc but my second row has no middle column, the
> center td are killed, and the img of the woman doesn't get the border around
> it.
> Ive also tried using the wrap command which fails in its own different way.
> Is there some problem with the above HTML ? I know a maze of Divs would
> probably be better but the border is pretty complex.
> Thoughts?
> Ive' also tried this simple example
> $(".Photo").before("<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'
> width='1'><tr><td>x </td><td>").after("</td><td>y</td></tr></table>");
> This doesn't work as expected either, in the DOM all the table data is
> before the IMG, only the y is after, but it is mal formed in the DOM.
> Thanks
> Ryan Doom
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