First bit is easy:

// All spans with class="info"
var infoSpans = $('');

Second bit depends on how you have structured your HTML. Assuming the
following HTML:

<span class="info email-info">Text.....</span>
<input class="hasInfo" type="text" ...>

Script (untested):

$(function() {
  $('input.hasInfo').click( function() {
    var infoSpan = $(this).prev('');

    // do whatever with the span

    // show it;

    // test if it's a particular class
    if ('.email-info') ) {
      // do something

Karl Rudd

On 2/27/07, Timothy Bowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am creating tooltips for a form. The text that appears in the tooltip will
> have two classes:
> <span class="info email-info">Text.....</span><span class="info
> password-info">Text.....</span>
> First how can I access all the elements that contain 'info' in their class?
> Secondly when the user clicks on the input box i need to access the second
> class so i know which one it is, how can I do that?
> Thank you in advance
> Tim
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