Jim,  could you post a version of the XML data you'd expect?

- jake

On 3/5/07, Jim Wharton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to change a bunch of handwritten Ajax stuff to use jQuery's
methods. (I figure, if I'm already including the jquery.js file, I may as
well use the heck out of it.)

My current code sends a request to a php page and gets back an xml result
I do the standard way of creating a request object(try/catch for MSXML vs

here is the code to create my request and callback:

var http =  createRequestObject(); //this just references that object I
just created.

function ajax ( url, callback )
        http.open ( 'get', url, true );
        http.onreadystatechange = callback;

function sendRequest() {
        var url = "getItems.php?cat_id=" + idsource;
        ajax( url, handleInfo );

my handleInfo function does a nice for loop based on an array(object) and
generates table html for each "record":

function handleInfo() {
        if (http.readyState == 1) {
                //document.getElementById("itemtable" +idsource).innerHTML
= '<h1>Loading...</h1>'
        if (http.readyState == 4) {
                if (http.status == 200) {
                                var xmlDoc =
                                var output;
                                output = '<table><thead><tr><th>Items
                                // Create table rows for each record
                                for (var i=0; i < xmlDoc.childNodes.length;
                                        var linkId =
                                        output += '<tr>';
                                        output += '<td>'+linkId;
                                        output += '<td><a href="
                                        output += '</tr>';
                                        output += '</tbody></table>';
+idsource).innerHTML = output;

Ok, fairly generic routine stuff. Only problem is, I can't bend my mind
around the way to do it in jQuery!!! I have started playing around with the
.get method:

$(document).ready(function() {
                                        idsource = $(this).attr("id");
                                        $.get("getItems.php", {cat_id:
idsource}, function(xml){
                                                //build a table from xml
                                                var output =
'<table><thead><tr><th>Items Available</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
                                                var xmlDoc =
                                                //create rows for each
                                                for (var i=0; i<
xmlDoc.childNodes.length; i++)
                                                        var linkId =
$("item_id", xmlDoc).item(i).firstChild.data;
                                                        output += '<tr>';
                                                        output +=
                                                        output += '</tr>';
                                                output +=


but this seems to cough up errors about linkId not being a function.....
Am I at least on the right path?

What this code does is everytime one clicks on a "dt" element, it sends
the request based on the id.... (just a number) then it submits the ajax
request. I'm really not sure at all how to deal with the object it
returns... so that's why you see me treating it just like I would any other
xml object.

I'd be happy to post all my code but I don't want to suck up a ton of
bandwidth... this being my first post and all that.....

(In a future revision of this code, I'll actually let the accordian wait
until the object is returned before I slide it down.....)


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