This is a government project. "Late and over budget" is their middle name. What sort of garbage is the "security reasons" excuse. It sounds like someone is making decisions who doesn't know what the h*** they're talking about. Give me a freakin' break! That's like some clients who don't want to use something open source because they didn't have to pay for it. I just don't understand that mentality.

I say do it in jQuery anyway. If they said, "no frameworks" then you're golden. Tell them it's not a framework, but a library. Tell them it would be akin to asking you to build a program in C without using stdio.h or something similar. That or tell them because of their *silly* restriction the project is going to take two to three times as long and cost them that much more.

Morons. *sigh*


Jonathan Chaffer wrote:
On Mar 14, 2007, at 20:49 , Benjamin Sterling wrote:

Because this will be on a government server, they don't want anything other then basic javascript, I can explain the whole discussion with the client but this message would be to long and either way the result would be that I can use any frameworks.

So I take a look at the specs and my brain just goes limp...... I CAN'T THINK OF HOW I WOULD DO THIS WITH OUT JQUERY......

it is a sad sad world.... all because of my dependency of the crack that is jQuery...

I've been exactly there. Had a project with a very fast turnaround, but thought, "Hey, this is easy; jQuery to the rescue!" It wasn't until we presented the working result to the client well within the deadline that we were informed that "third-party libraries" were not allowed for "security reasons." Yikes! I had your reaction exactly. I was at a loss for how to even start writing the code without $() at my fingertips. We finished the project using only homespun code, but late and over budget of course.


Jonathan Chaffer

Technology Officer, Structure Interactive

(616) 364-7423


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