
All of the accessibility issues and security issues can be solved.  They
are not inherent to Javascript usage, you just have to design for them
like any other requirements.

Since they are among the less visible and sometimes more technically
challenging requirements to satisfy, they are more often missed and for
this reason Javascript deserves its bad rep.

Another consideration (and I'm going to rant a little here) is that the
web-as-a-carload-of-linked-documents model has yielded unprecedented
interoperability.  Had the web started as smart clients doing ajax
requests to build an interface to a network application it would have
been... just another way to do client/server.

Put another way:  The web was revolutionary because of HTML.  Why?  HTML
is not the browser.  If you wrote a web page in 1995, in 2000 it was
still readable, even when 3 major revolutions had occurred in web
browser technology.  Plus that page had been linked to, crawled,
indexed, etc thousands of times.  And the page is still readable in the
browser today, has been harvested for new information by new search
algorithms, has probably been part of an RSS feed, etc.

Turning documents into applications threatens to erode some of that.
The one place where javascript usage is truly evil in my opinion is
where it creates a requirement that the document be consumed by an agent
that can execute scripts on the page in a certain way.

http://www.tiddlywiki.com is extremely cool, but try upgrading a
tiddleywiki and you'll run into a problem you just don't have with web
content.  I used to do application interfaces in MS office or filemaker
before the web.  Upgrading to MS Access 2000 was a significant
deliverable to each one of my clients that had an interface built in

AAAAnyway... this too can be designed around, that's what progressive
enhancement is all about.


> I guess it would be up to the coder to be proactive and 
> present evidence
> to the decision-makers that proves js can be secure and accessible.
> Unfortunately, I've learned that even irrefutable proof can overcome
> ignorant "common wisdom"... especially when someone doesn't
> understand the proof...
> Rick
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Benjamin Sterling
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:26 PM
> To: jQuery Discussion.
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] the pitfalls of jquery
> Well, to be 508 compliant you have to do some tricks so that 
> screen readers will pick up on the change.  Not everyone 
> knows how to do these tricks and there are not a lot of 
> resources to pull from for help.  So I would think people the 
> use the 'inaccessable' excuse are too lazy to really dig for 
> the answers. 
> -- 
> Benjamin Sterling
> http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> http://www.KenzoHosting.com 

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