Matt Kruse wrote:
>> i see the scriptaculs thing that rule on the web...
>> maybe its because there are working examples of scriptacouls with
>> php/mysql integration?
> How would a client-side sorting plugin interact with php/mysql? Once
> the rows are delivered to the browser (independent of server-side
> technology) then it's all javascript from there, right? What kind of
> functionality are you looking for?
> I am almost done with my table sort/filter/page plugin at
> (updated last night to
> version .981) and if you have any suggestions about how to improve it
> to do what you're looking for, I'd like to hear it!

I think people are mixing two different things here. AFAIK the OP was asking 
about "sortables", pretty much meaning lists that you can drag'n'drop sort 
with javascript and have the new list order POSTed to the server when you 
drop or push a button etc. This is achieved with interface, for example:

The poster was also correct that there has been a lack of demos showing the 
process all the way through up to POSTing the data to the server. It's not 
hard once you know how it goes, but IMO the interface documentation could be 
better there. I'm sure more people would be doing manual sorting this way if 
they knew how easy it is. A drag and drop interface for that purpose can be 
a lot faster, better and more intuitive than a regular "move up" - "move 
down" clickfest.

What you are describing is sorting tables/filtering them with javascript, 
which is pretty much a different thing.


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