The short answer is no.

If you want Google to index your pages you need to have "real" static
pages and "real" static links to each of those pages from the main

One way to do this is via the "Hijax" style method. Here's an excerpt
from the following


It's a very simple idea:

1. First, build an old-fashioned website that uses hyperlinks and
forms to pass information to the server. The server returns whole new
pages with each request.

2. Now, use JavaScript to intercept those links and form submissions
and pass the information via XMLHttpRequest instead. You can then
select which parts of the page need to be updated instead of updating
the whole page.


Karl Rudd

On 3/26/07, Agrawal, Ritesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure whether this is the right place for putting this question.
> However, since it is concerned with ajax and jquery, I will take my chance.
> My problem is I am using ajax to load content in the main div of my webpage.
> I use javascript to dynamically change the title of the webpage.
> Now the problem is when googlebot tries to index my webpage, it ignores
> javascript and thus my webpage is registered without page title. Is there
> any way to use jquery on the server side and change page title or any other
> solution.  This is very important topic for me and looking for any help..
> Regards,
> ritesh

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