Lately I have been using for my work, I use it to post to
facebook, myspace,, twitter, etc.. all at once.  I don't like
using the social networking sites (except because they are
Roach Motels for data, but I am ordered to do -- so I do.

I am trying to get incremental changes toward Free (Speech) Software and
Free(dom) network services implemented.  Are there any Free Software
desktop applications or AGPL web applications that work in a similar way
to PingFM?

I could imagine the program using APIs to send messages to different
services, etc..  It would at least be one link in the chain.  My use
case is Twitter/

I get my coworkers (I am the web producer) to use every time
they send a tweet.  Instead of just tweeting, they are CC'ing,
though most of their mental energy is on Twitter at the moment.  This
way when people realize that Twitter is swindling them (it will happen,
and arguably it already has) they haven't lost their data, they can at
least move to a better place with friends and a history of their
conversations intact.

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