On Nov 27, 2007, at 3:23 PM, Robert Hoekman, Jr. wrote:

> I suppose you could argue that these conversations were "research",  
> but they really weren't. They didn't lead me to figuring out how the  
> site should work, they just led to the idea.

And it is. Just because you didn't intend to go there doing research  
for a possible product, doesn't mean that's not what ended up  
happening. Research is a discovery process. There are countless  
accidental products that happened (e.g. PostIt Notes, Equal), but  
those still happened in the process of trial, error, and discovery for  
something else. Was a PostIt Note the original intent? Nope, but  
someone created a not-very-sticky-glue that was "a failure" for their  
original intent, but became useful for something else.

Accidents do happen, yes. And we can be "accidentally inspired" by  
casual conversation. But you still discovered something that gave you  
an idea for this new product/place/thing.

Research/discovery isn't always intentional.


Todd Zaki Warfel
President, Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
Blog:   http://toddwarfel.com
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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