At 11:19 AM +0000 1/16/08, Dan wrote:
>Thanks for your responses, I find this a really interesting topic and your
>thoughts have been equally interesting. Here are a couple more thoughts of
>mine below:


>In general, my question regarding the death of the web page was trying to
>stimulate discussion, and I am sure there will always be a need for it,
>after all not everything we do online revolves around retail. We socialise,
>play, write and contribute in discussion etc. But I do wonder if the
>Semantic web becomes a reality, will companies invest less in transactional
>websites and focus more upon standardising data so that it can be passed to
>a semantic agent (application) which will do the work for them.

I actually suspect that the reverse may occur in the business sphere 
and that marketing requirements -- whether real or perceived -- will 
lead to a general situation in which the standardized/semantic web 
data is restricted to internal use and the public, transactional 
sites are geared toward the rhetorical presentation of the 

It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Indeed, it will be 
interesting to see *if* it plays out.


Katie Albers
*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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