I've been doing this with my xv6800 (and before that, the 6700). I take pictures of stuff then when I sync, they get transferred to my "incoming photo" directory for me to sort/massage as needed.

I've also started shooting video this way -- the xv6800 camera is 2M and shoots some pretty nice video for a camera/pda.

Will Evans wrote:
Does anyone use their iPhone/mobile device to send notes to themselves? How
about refer back to their ideas that the posted to Twitter to follow up -
with images attached? Just trying to get a feel for all the ways we keep
track of the constant assault on our senses, how we process, store, and
return to those inspirations, thoughts, ideas.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:54 AM, adrian chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hadn't even thought of the back of the hand -- that's great. I once had
both my thumbs broken at the same time and walked about with both arms in
casts -- had I been so inclined, they might have made for a great
note-taking device, and a semi-public one at that. In fact the history of
writing on the body is long indeed. (some argue that writing itself began
with ritual practices of a violent "graphism" excercised during rites of
passage and similar ceremonies...)

But seriously tho, I like to draft thoughts within blogger some times -- I
find that using blogger even to take notes puts me in a narrative mind set.


On Oct 26, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Jeff Howard wrote:

 I keep notes in a small gridded Moleskin notebook. But more important
is simply having something to write with. Always. In a pinch I'll
jot down observations on the back of my hand between the thumb and
index finger. I never knew you could write there until I saw the
movie Memento, but it's a really nice affordance.

The only "formal" process I have for non-project related research
is collecting local papers when I travel. Helps to see the world
though a different set of eyes.

// jeff

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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adrian chan

415 516 4442
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J. Eric "jet" Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

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