Well, my gut reaction is that -- at least for text-based content -- you're down to the content itself. I'm assuming here that you *are* dealing with news. If there are authors associated with the content, then generally you'll find they're associated with a certain type of content (some reporters write about sports, some about DC, some about war zones, etc.) and that gives you a top level way to sort. Then within the content you find keywords which can be associated with current events. Of course, this still means that you have an ongoing task of keeping those keyword lists up-to-date.

I would hope that the video has better metadata; I'd hate to think of someone watching hours of video just to sort it.

I hope there's a better way to do this, but that's all I can think of.

Katie Albers
Founder & Principal Consultant
User Experience Strategy & Project Management
310 356 7550

On Feb 12, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Gail Swanson wrote:

I've got a design problem that I've been trying to solve for some
time now, and just can't seem to find the answer to.  Perhaps all of
you out in UX-land have some ideas.

I've been working on a project that has an established taxonomy for
its content (artlcles, videos, blogs, etc.) but the big challenge is
how to handle content that comes into the site through automatic
feeds from various sources.  How can we categorize the information by
topic dynamically?

For example, imagine that a news website imports its article content
from various news services around the globe.  None of the sources
include consistent topic data.  The metadata available are things
like source and data published, very quantifiable.  How would they
provide a way for the user to browse the available content according
to categories like "Sports" and "World News" if they cannot be
derived from the provider?

We're trying to provide a unified experience across the content no
matter the provider and allow the user to browse by topics. We also
need to minimize human intervention because of frequency and volume
of content. Has anyone had success with a similar situation?  What
was the solution?

I've been banging my head against the monitor on this one for a few
months and would appreciate any ideas.
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