On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Jared Spool <jsp...@uie.com> wrote:
> Actually, my big question is: where does the problem you're trying to solve
> come in? Where do you introduce data about what needs to be different? About
> what the organization needs to achieve? About the gap between the current
> and the aspirational?
> Should that influence the sketches and the subsequent discussions?
> Or am I missing the point of the conversation?

Yes and no.  First off, I think David Malouf's post was brilliant in
that it laid out some rapid-fire ways that a design-driven process
could be initiated.  It's by no means a complete description of such a
process but it touches on key themes of brainstorming, storytelling,
and so on. In that sense I think David is making the point (and I
agree) that there is room for non-data-driven methods even within such
a complex and diverse space as Google's search design.

As to your specific question I think all your ideas are relevant, but
some are implicit.

For example, the stakeholders that David advocates putting into that
room are the people who have the vision about "what the organization
needs to achieve." It's probably part of their daily conversations and
I would expect it to emerge as part of the brainstorm (probably the
part where people explain their ideas, after the idea generation
phase).  If it doesn't, then you've probably put the wrong people in
the room.

Likewise the gap between the current and the aspirational should be
obvious to everyone.  If they're not intimately familiar with the
current then again they probably aren't part of this exercise.

The question about introducing data about needs is a good one, I
think.  My personal preference is to make that part of the
post-brainstorming exercise.  Presumably at some point you've narrowed
your set of alternatives to some manageable number.  At that point I'd
introduce data and put people through an exercise of correlating
design brainstorm ideas with data.  "Given THESE data, how does THAT
idea hold up?" sort of.

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