When you've got this kind of question, it's usually best to start by reconsidering the way you've cast the whole thing. Can you put the info into two separate boxes (or otherwise divide them?). Then you have the section where you ask for the person's data and the section where you ask for the spouse/partner's data. Include gender in both areas (which, incidentally, is *not* binary -- I suggest using male/ female/self-identifies as: with a text box for the last) if it matters to you at all, and have the user select spouse/partner/other for the second set of data. Then, under that goes the same set of queries as for the primary user with no his/her/their problem to be found.

Does that help?

Katie Albers
User Experience Consultant & Project Manager
310 356 7550

On Jul 22, 2009, at 3:23 AM, William Hudson wrote:

Chris -

'They' and 'their' are increasingly popular as singular personal
pronouns. There is even a Wikipedia page on the subject (so it must be
true<g>) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they

Certainly 'they' and 'their' are much less clumsy than 'he or she' and
'his or her'.


William Hudson
Syntagm Ltd
Design for Usability
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-----Original Message-----
From: new-boun...@ixda.org [mailto:new-boun...@ixda.org] On Behalf Of
Christopher Rider
Sent: 21 July 2009 13:48
To: disc...@ixda.org
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] "His/Her" vs. "Their" in website copy

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