"Mobile Station"? Who on earth came up with that? No, never mind, don't tell me.

I'd ask a bunch of users/potential users (and no, I don't mean their bosses/managers/supervisors - I trust we all know better than that) "What is a Mobile Station"? It's my bet that they will all look at you blankly and maybe start to try to reason out what it must mean. Then ask them what they would call the piece of equipment you're documenting. "Radio" may also be wrong. Use what they come up with.

Just to make your point stronger, have a couple of your managers listen in. If this is really for emergency personnel, the last thing you want is a fireman trying to remember what he's supposed to call that thing in his hand.


Katie Albers
251 517 0344

On Aug 7, 2009, at 2:29 PM, Ali Amrohvi wrote:

Hello folks,
I work as a technical writer and have a User Centered Design background. My background constantly reminds me to look at terms and phrases from a
user's viewpoint.
One term, which I hate, has been decided by the management to be used in
our manuals.

My understanding is that this term can confuse people and a better term
can be used instead.

A Mobile Station is supposed to be a RADIO. A Walkie Talkie sort of radio.
One that Policemen, firefighters and personnel use in a hotel.

I am trying to convince the management that Mobile Station should be
replaced by the term RADIO.

is it me or does Mobile Station really sound okay??

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