Good evening,

I'm a professional typesetter and graphic designer and have recently
discovered OOo Writer 2.0.2. Quite impressive achievement. Here's a list
of comments and suggestions for improvement that the developers of the
software may want to contemplate implementing (in no particular order).
[Andrew Robertson] Pleasure to meet you! Until recently, I was as well.
Inline below, please find my comments/answers.
1. In the 'Special Characters' dialog box, a text field where you can
enter the hexadecimal value of the Unicode character you want to insert.
[Andrew Robertson] This would be a nice feature for a small group of people
like you and I, but I doubt 90% of people will use it.
2. A Knuth-Plass-like line-breaking algorithm that takes the whole
paragraph into account, not merely the single line, i.e. something
similar to InDesign's paragraph-based line-breaking algorithm.
[Andrew Robertson] Do you mean page breaks? Of so, go to Format/Paragraph
and then click on the Text Flow tab. In the last section of this tab, called
Options, you can click the checkbox "Do not split paragraph." This may do
what you are looking for. Also in that same section, you can specify to
"Keep with next paragraph" and then you will have "Orphan" and "Widow"
control options.
3. A 'short line eliminator' that gives you the option to suppress short
last lines in a paragraph, by defining what constitutes a short last
line and specifying parameters how it should be eliminated (several
options exist).
[Andrew Robertson] That would be an amazing feature, but again, one that I
believe 90% of people would never use. This and your #1 are things that
would be fature you'd probably have to hire someone to add the code into
your own private build of OpenOffice.
5. A feature that allows you to automatically insert margin notes and
specifying settings for the margin notes in the same way as when
specifying settings for footnotes/endnotes.
[Andrew Robertson] Can't this be achieved using a text frame?
6. An option to insert images as linked images, as opposed to embedded
images, and a 'Links' dialog box. This may already have been
implemented, but since I began using OOo Writer 2.0.2. quite recently I
have not found it.
[Andrew Robertson] when you do "Insert/Picture/From File" the resulting
dialog has a checkbox at the bottom called "Link". If this is unchecked, the
image is embedded. If it is checked, it will be linked instead. If by a
links dialog box, you mean a window displaying a list of all the links in
the document (similar to the Styles and Formatting toolbar) then I have not
found this either. I  too think this would be a fantastic and much used
16. A method to specify one's own notation scheme for footnotes, e.g.
asterisk, double asterisk, dagger, double dagger etc. Again, this may
already have been implemented, but I have not found it.
[Andrew Robertson] This is implemented. When you insert a footnote, change
from Automatic to Character, and then choose your character from the picker.
I hope this helps a bit. I only commented on a few things here.
Andrew Robertson
Export Manager
derma e(r) Natural Bodycare
ph. 805-582-2710 xt. 244
fx. 805-582-2730

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